A self-made man means one who has rendered himself accomplished, eminent, rich, or great by his own unaided efforts. —John Frost, Self-Made Men of America (1848) and we would all agree that Mr. Francis Martin is truly a Self-Made Man. Born on the 12th of June 1959 in the idyllic town of Lumut to Mr. & Mrs. Francis Lourdsamy, he is the eldest among 4 children. Even at a very young age, Mr. Francis Martin exudes entrepreneurship skills, from selling iced syrup to scraping candle wax off the tombstones and selling it to a wax factory, these experience were his foundation for his catering business. After having completed his school studies, Mr. Francis Martin, was looking for a job and by recommendation, he was taken as a waiter at the Royal Ipoh Club.
He started off as a dining steward, but he did not confine himself to this section but on his own accord, picked up new skill, cooking. He made friends with all the kitchen staff and soon picked up the finer points of cooking and slowly he was confident enough to create new mouth-watering dishes. Aside from cooking and learning French, Mr. Francis Martin ventured into bar-tending. He is known for creating new dishes and topped up with his cheerful and every ready to help qualities made him the favourite among the Royal Ipoh Club members.
Till date, Martin Food Caterers is run by four of the siblings, Mr Martin, Mr Victor, Ms Agnes, and Ms Mary. Mr Martin always prioritises his customers needs and that is one of the reason why he is a flourishing caterer. He meets to their needs and wants and that makes customers come for more. If you know Mr Francis Martin, you would agree with this.
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